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Author, Writer, Storyteller

            And all-around

Great Guy

John F. Thomas 

A Proud Member of the Esteemed

"Humble Beginnings could draw quite a large crowd in readership as it is akin to popular tales such as The Karate Kid, and carries an important message about bullying, and knowing how to defend yourself."


ꟷ Readers' Favorite®

Feb. 22nd, 2017

"The first episode serves as a promising introduction to the future additions in this series...It will be interesting to see the direction The Prodigy Series takes now, and the ways in which John will attempt to find his place in the world."


ꟷ Windy City Reviews

Dec. 16th, 2016

John's Interview in

Hong Kong!!!

Paperback & E-Book "Humble Beginnings" Available on Amazon & CreateSpace now!!!

"[Humble Beginnings] is one that takes you on a journey of fantasy and realism...The attention to specificity is like a 3D world written on paper."


ꟷ Justin Key - Actor, Mathematician, and Public Speaker (Amazon Customer Review)

Dec. 12th, 2016

--5 out of 5 stars--

"This was a great read...Ready for more"


ꟷ Lee I. (Amazon Customer Review)

Nov. 20th, 2016

--4 out of 5 stars--

Growing up can be tough, especially for someone like John Prodigy. Often feeling like an outsider in his own town, he is not a stranger to being a victim of constant bullying at his school. In order for him to find his place in the world, he must do what's necessary - even if that decision is going to lead to a life of potential struggle and turmoil, but filled with excitement, love, and adventure to come! If he decides to take that crucial step, his life will never be the same...

Enjoy Episode One of The Prodigy Series, the new exciting mini-book series! Buy the E-Book or Paperback version now below by clicking on the CreateSpace or Amazon button below. Also, take advantage of the discount of 50 cents off of the e-book by purchasing via PayPal!

"Humble Beginnings: Episode One of The Prodigy Series"





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